Robin Edgar teaches life writing workshops based on her book, In My Mother’s Kitchen: An Introduction to the Healing Power of Reminiscence, in a variety of venues around the country. These include the John C. Campbell FolkSchool and Wildacres Retreat in North Carolina as well as for organizations such as the Story Circle Network and genealogy and scrapbook enthusiasts.
To learn more about Robin Edgar's workshops Contact Robin Edgar.
Robin Edgar teaches how to use sense memory to recall significant individuals and events and demonstrates how this creative process can be an effective tool for long term care planning as well as coping with loss or change due to illness or the death of a loved one. Her seminars benefit social workers, chaplains, nurses, and counselors as well as volunteers and family caregivers for organizations such as Hospice, Parkinson, and Alzheimer’s Associations.
To learn more about a Healing Power of Reminiscence workshop in your area click here.
Campaign for Love & Forgiveness
Robin Edgar served as a facilitator for the four-year Fetzer Institute Campaign for Love & Forgiveness. Launched in 2006, the Campaign uses PBS documentaries, community activities, online resources, and networking opportunities to encourage reflection and conversation about how love and forgiveness can effect meaningful change in individuals and society.
Learn more about Love & Forgiveness click here. or